Heehee. I laugh when I look at this pic. It was a couple of years ago at Thanksgiving. That's sweet John Corneck beside me (Mel's honey). There's a funny story with this photo. Some of the family had gathered here for Thanksgiving and I'd cooked. When I'm in the kitchen burdened with a huge meal to prepare, I like to drink! I don't think I really enjoy cooking. I'm basically lazy! So this particular gathering I had bought some hard apple cider--can't remember the brand name. Well, I thought it had lower alcohol content than beer and it tasted so wonderful--just went down easy, let's say. Heehee. I'm not a big drinker--usually only having like two drinks when I drink. After I get a bit of a buzz, I'm ready to eat and once I eat, lose the buzz and lose all interest in drinking anymore. But this night, they were going down so smoothly! The meal was challenging to prepare....two lead to three and I, like I said, thought they were light-weights....three lead to four! I had five by the time the meal was ready. Lord!
John had his daughter Chelsea with him and she still talks about this night and how funny I was. Well, let's just say Kim had no qualms saying exactly whatever popped in her head! No boundaries were observed! It was a fun night. Funny thing about drinking....when I realized I was sloushed--my face was numb---and I quit drinking, I got the worst headache! It was like I had my hangover before I ever went to bed. And just what I deserved for being so stupid!
What else?
Lost my wonderful job in January. The hospital laid off 40-some of us. I was pretty devastated. I loved that job! Loved having health insurance too. I was working in regular-type transcription; spent three months, 40-hours a week training for this work. Then, poof, it was gone! Such a shame. By the end of January, the radiology department called asking if I was interested in taking on a new challenge. They wanted/needed me p.r.n. (as needed) for weekends and when someone else in the department wanted time off. I said, sure! So after re-training for several weeks, I am now just working weekends and the occassional weekday. I love this work too. It's extremely challenging--very technical reports with LOTS of obscure medical terms (well, obscure to me!). It's all good. One day--and probably sooner rather than later, they'll hire me back. Maybe parttime first but fulltime eventually.
In the meantime...I'm making the most of more free time!
As soon as I was laidoff....got in a super creative phase. I've been very busy! Lots of collage-type, mixed-media work. Don't leave anything laying around very long or it'll be painted and collaged!!
I'll photo some of my lastest and upload them....maybe tomorrow?
Life is good. It just is. No use thinking otherwise.
Saw this today and thought it appropriate.....
breathe in faith
breathe out fear.
Yeah. I like that. I've made a study of this over the last year and a half. It's actually been that long now since Jug lost his contract with the big L. So--I see NONE of the awful fearful things have even happened; which further illustrates: why in the world would you want to ruin today with crazy worry and anxiety over what's going to happen tomorrow when it probably won't even happen!!!!!!????? Now tell me that!
Just live for today. Ya just have today. Today I'm good. I'm great. I am strong. Whatever comes, I will be strong enough to see it through. I know I will. It'll be fine. It'll all be alright.
Feeling fine,