
Kristin #2

Trevor and Gabby

Best way to view just what you're interested in is to click on the "label" to the left. Finally figured out that that was the easiest way to arrange the blogs by subject.
Just enjoying these special kids.... how I love them! How they give me hope....
MICHELLE!!! This one is for you! A very honest picture of Kim with all her wrinkles and flaws for the cyber world to see! Clearly demostrates how much fun I had with these kids yesterday. Ah--the good times!!
I embrace my age. I'll be 50 this coming Friday. So very much in my head and heart about aging. I'm planning a cathartic post hopefully later this morning that reveals a journey from painfully lived teenage angst to middle-aged contentment. I love what I am today and have recently just so happened to have the need to dig out my journals from my teen years and haven't read them in probably 20 years. Wow. The Journey. The Growth. More to come on this--hopefully there will be time in next day or so.....
Don Curley, Aly's dad.
My Livvie....
Pretty little thing on the left is also named Kristin. I told her she reminds me of Izzie on Gray's Anatomy. Just classic beauty! And that's Kristin in the middle and Trevor on the right. And of course that's our Gabby watching the water go by....
A very cute Kristin. I did not know until yesterday that she was a sex educator! (Livvie tells me that Kristin has taken three levels of sex ed classes for her involvement in RA at UNC-A) I thought her major was journalism! Shows how much I listen! I just loved hearing the kids talk yesterday about sexuality. They are so open and accepting. Just amazing how frank and honest they hangups there. None of that Victorian/religious crap to contend with. Ah! How far ahead they are of me and my peers at the same age! It's such a good thing....