All of these images I acquired from two huge and heavy volumes by Taschen. The botanicals from The Book of Plants and the insects from Cabinet of Natural Curiosities. They're so large and heavy it is challenging to hold them on the scanning bed without them shifting while it scans! They are fabulous books! The detail is so fine and that makes for superior scanning.
Remember: click on an image to see it in another window much larger.

I got these fairies images from a free image site online...can't remember which one. The French print in the background is from a stamp I have. I just stamped on a piece of card stock and then I make copies of it over and over, printing on the tissue paper. Sounds confusing--but it's really not.
The butterfly puzzle series...
Another butterfly series. Love bugs and insects. They're so beautifully perfect!

And more bugs...
I like the more natural looking stone tiles like these bugs are on best. The edges are rough and uneven.

Michelle has what wasn't sold at Hillsville (which I sold a whooping two whole sets) at the store. I sell them for $10 a set of four. They make great and affordable gifts...holler if you want any....