Since I became full-time employed the end of August my passion became my work! So I've been away. About three weeks ago I lost my new career. There were 44 other poor souls who also found themselves without their jobs that day. I miss it so very, very much. It wasn't work to me. I looked forward to going every day. I've never had a job like that. Never. Not even hygiene. The only work I've ever done that I enjoyed as much (more, actually) was mothering my children. And that wasn't work. I'm sad about it. But am hopeful that the hospital will work this out and I'll be able to return. I've been doing some fill-in radiology transcription and while I truly appreciate the opportunity to keep my new-found skills honed and the folks I'm working with are great---sorry, it's just not the same. My heart is just not in it like it was before.
On the happier stuff!
So in the last three weeks, I've been busy!! My creative juices are in high gear! I'd been piddling with the coasters that I'd last posted about but since being let go I've branched out! Here's some examples of what I've come up with:
The dragonfly is a journal and the triple butterflies are on canvas.

A wooden frame:

Wooden frame here too. Sorry about the glare on the bird.

Two photo frames.

A metal tray and a soap dispencer.

This is large--about 11x14.

A picture frame:

Hopefully more to come!