Not the best quality pic--it's a digital photo of a photo and I came across it yesterday in a CD of my saved photos.
So very typical of Olivia when she was a little thing. She was almost ALWAYS in this costume! I'd bought her the fancy slip for some fancy dress she wore for Christmas one year. It actually had a little bell sown in the slip! She loved it. She was forever parading around dressed up like this. What happened to that? Now she's so casual with her dress! She was such prissy little girl! She loved patent leather shoes too. She called them "tippy shoes" because they made what she thought was a "tippy" sound with each step. So cute!
Have been absolutely consumed seen starting this blog with a new project. I realized as I was trying to find photos for the blog that it would be such a huge help if I knew where the photos where! I actually have not put ANY photos in albums since 2000! Eight years of photos--thousands, I'm sure. So that's what I'm doing. Not doing any embellishment on the pages, just getting them in albums chronologically. I have all photos saved on CD's starting in 2001 when I got my first digital. I'm going to be sure the CD's are labeled with more detail as to what's on them so I can find what I'm looking for quicker. It's a daunting task. I'll be at it for the foreseeable future! Next project for blog: The Remodel. Will upload before and after pics in 2005 of our 3-month remodel project of our home here in Mo. Falls.
Blessings to you,
well, it is not practical to wear a dress when messing with paint and plaster all day. And besides, I love looking like an artist. But I do still enjoy the occasional chance to look like a princess.
I understand completely! I love both the messy artist and the prissy princess! Hey, punkin, I think you're the only person looking at the blog! Started in 2000, am now up to April 2002 (our Disney trip) with putting all our thousands of photos into albums. It's consuming me! Whew! Such a (albeit rewarding) chore!! Call me!
I like reading your blog Mama. It is like getting to talk to you everyday. Hope that the photo project is going well. Love you!
My username is my livejournal. But I think that you need an account to view it, but i could be wrong.
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