Olivia was so very prepared! She'd obviously worked very hard and very long (a year and a half) on her pieces but she'd also planned every detail of her show. Jug and I arrived Thursday (April 3rd) about noon and after having lunch, began setting up her show. She had all 16 pieces laid out on the floor of the gallery already. We began with "Aly's" (Aly Curley is a friend from high school and Aly attends UNC-A also) wall. Each and every piece was painstakingly hung! Measured and re-measured for height above the floor and space between pieces. She was also pain-staking about how each piece flowed to the next! Her professors/art directors had told her that if the subject of one piece made the eye flow say to the right, then there better not be a door or window in that direction. Olivia could explain this much better than me! But anyway, she took great care in how each piece was hung and where.

Deciding what went where....

Oh! I wish I could have had a camera ready when Livvie actually saw the first piece hung. She was so animated! So excited to see it actually hanging in the gallery on a plain white wall with the spotlights creating wonderful shadows. The shadows created by each piece was another element that was very important to her! Man, the detail of show--I had no idea!! It was educational for me. I'll never attend another opening and not be appreciative of the work the artist did not only in creating their art but in just displaying it!!

Jug and Livvie discuss the position of piece number one.

One of Olivia's prof's---Tynes. He was very helpful in giving suggestions.
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