Hello, hello, hello! Too much going on to even begin to update! Our lives are changing...and it's a bit overwhelming!! Trying very hard to be positive, optimistic and hopeful and to stay in the moment and not worrying, stressing about tomorrow! Why ruin today with worry and anxiety when what you might be worrying about never happens? That's what I keep reminding myself. These days, here today, may prove to be the best days of our lives!! Here Jug and I are finally working together, something we've always wanted to do and Jug is HOME, not traveling!! So I swear, I'm going to just relax and enjoy it!!!!
My camera came yesterday from Canon's repair center. So when Jug and I got home yesterday from going to do an estimate, there was our Miss O lying in the front yard reading so happily and contentedly! She's rereading Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear but only for the third time!!
Hey--did you hear the one about the codependent wife? Each morning she wakes her husband and asks how him how she's going to feel that day! My codependent friends will get this one!!

I couldn't help but be reminded of my mother when I see this photo. She LOVED to read and would have done nothing else if she wasn't also such a perfectionist! She was very disciplined and would only allow herself pleasurable activities AFTER she'd done her work/chores. Shame I'm not more like that!! And lastly I'll say: Olivia: my mama would have loved you so much--would have been so proud of you!!
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