Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Photo of the Day--Suzy

'Kay--little background is necessary here to fully appreciate these photos that tell a little story.... on the right is my older sister Suzy. We're at the beach (Sunset) and it's June 2002. That's her future daughter-in-law Carrie Reid (now Kerley) on the left. You must also know that Suzy is NOT a drinker--period. She very rarely partakes and then just tea-totals. Well, this particular evening some of us were bravely taking shots of vodka. As a family, we are not big drinkers--we'll have it at holidays and cook-outs but nobody drinks very much. I came across these photos while working on putting photos in albums---had to go back to 2000. I had completely forgotten about this hilarious adventure!!

So here's what it looks like was happening to me: Suzy, "the big drinker"--NOT, says "yeah, I'll have one of those shots." So Carrie obliges. They tell her how to do the lemon first, etc. And she looks so nonchalant, so confident about doing this. Heh--little did she know!

Note: these are poor quality photos--they're a "photo of a photo" as they were taken before I was using a digital camera exclusively.

Now we have Suzy's other future daughter-in-law, Kara Felise (now Kerley) making sure Carrie does this right and that Suzy gets a proper dose! OMG--this just cracks me up!!

I must have missed the actual taking the shot photo! But think she's taken it here, looks like anyway. That grimace!! That's Adam Johnson in the background.

OMG!!! If you know Suzy, you can just hear her coughing, sputtering, gagging and carrying on!!! And Carrie's expression!! I just can't help but just crack up laughing every time I look at this. She can barely get her breath here! She, I'm sure had NEVER taken a shot of alcohol in her life and had NO idea! Oh! How I love my sissy! There ain't nobody like her!

So here she is still in the throes of the alcohol burning and setting her on fire and high-five-ing with Brian (my niece Aimee's husband) Vaughan. This is just priceless!! Hey--family--let's do this again!!

Also--as a side note: Need to post some recent photos of Suzy. She's lost another person in weight! Yeah--you go Suzy!! She's off all her meds for diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol and is able to exercise now.

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