I'm most comfortable with rich, warm tones of green, red, brown. Just feels "homey" and relaxing to me. That's the front "Crackle Barrel" porch you see out the windows. Also note the trunk in front of the bed. This is a family treasure. My paternal grandmother, Annie Bess Palmer Hudson made one of these for each of her eight children--my father, Smith Hudson was her youngest child. She was a very artsy-crafty lady! She was constantly making something. I remember well her wall art of colorful cut glass and beads and she made purses of the same materials. Back in the 70's it might have been all the rage--don't know--but I remember thinking as a teenager that they were the tackiest things I'd ever seen! Wouldn't I love to have some of her work now! I do have one of her oil paintings and Mel has a three-piece painting that was intended to be a fireplace screen. Granny Hudson was very talented/gifted artist. Daddy was too--we all have some of his water colors.
The small round table in the left was also made by Granny Hudson. I acquired it when our Aunt Bet died and how I cherish it! It's so in vogue now! It's sea shells or oyster shells that have been immersed/covered with that shellac that does like a thousand coats in one coat?? Something like that--just love it. And the chair is a treasured piece too. My mother had it when she started her adult life--no idea where she acquired it but it was just one of the very few things she kept over the years of her life. She was definitely NOT a pack-rat--hated clutter and old things and was not sentimental about much of anything. So I really treasure having this old chair--with it's original upholstery.
The oil painting above the bed was purchased at an auction--don't know the artist but I just like it. After doing a couple of (very bad) oil paintings myself a couple of years ago now, I appreciate art so much more! It's so very challenging!!

The smaller pillows on the bed my friend Michelle (please visit her blog: www.thevintagehomeofwilkes.blogspot.com ) made them all for me. Man, is she ever talented!!
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