Saturday, July 19, 2008

Aimee's Photos

These are Aimee's photos from the gathering last weekend that I blogged about below this blog....
Great photos Aimee!! These babies really put on a show for us!

Gathering at Aimee and Brian's

We all gathered at Brian and Aimee (Jim's) new home in Huntersville last weekend. Oh! The babies are so cute! They are at such a delightfully fun age! They were, of course, the center of attention! And I remember so well when it was Alan, Adam, Mindy and Aimee--I'm getting so old! Now they are the parents! Won't be long (I'm in NO rush) before the next set--Olivia, Meghan, Patrick and Grant are adding to the family tree. But they've got a while! Really felt Mama's presence at this gathering. She'd be so proud of her great grandchildren!
This is Jackson Kerley below. He's Alan and Carrie's.
Another of Jackson...could just eat him up!!

Below--this is Kara (Adam's wife) with Maddyson. Kara's pregnant with number two--due in October, I believe. Now Kara makes being pregnant and mothering a toddler look easy and fun!

Maddyson is the spittin' image of her daddy, Adam. Need to dig up some photos of him from this age.

Maddyson's fake smile below!!

Brian and Aimee's stairs provided great entertainment for the babies. I just snapped away...

Below--this is Brian Vaughan--Aimee's husband. He's a policeman with Huntersville. He just recently got a canine police dog. Hmmm...for some reason I didn't get any shots of him. Must have been too dark by the time Brian let him out for a bit of exercise. He's so smart!

Below--in-laws and pals, Kara and Brian!

Below--my oldest nephew, Alan Kerley.

I guess the two tallest members of the family...Alan and Patrick (Mel's). Alan's got a few inches on Patrick but he may not have reached his peak yet as he's just 18. We'll see!

Below: All the men grandchildren. From left: Grant, Adam, Patrick and Alan. They're all first cousins. Man--what a handsome foursome!

I've got an old photo of the four of them, oh, 'bout ten years ago at a picnic up at Price Lake I need to dig up.....I remember that Alan and Adam were about Grant and Patrick's ages then and the little boys just thought their older cousins were just the best!

Below--Mel and Suzy.

We sure enjoyed having Grant and Marina join us! Marina's just getting more and more at home with this crazy and wild family of mine!

Below--Patrick Hunter Johnson...going off to college this fall....hard to believe!!

Maddyson and Jackson put a little show on for us dancing and gyrating to some music....

so cute!!!

Below--after most everybody had gone on home, Jim did a little science experiment for us. He put---shoot--I'm getting so old, I can't remember sh-t!! What was it? Not Tums, some little mint of some kind in a liter of soda and wa-lah---volcano!

Great fun! Great food! Great sharing! I just love my family!! Thanks Brian and Aimee for having us! And your house is just lovely! Just perfect for you guys!

Our Spiders

We have a couple of spiders spinning a web every night illuminated by the flood lights by the porch. We love watching them. Got a few decent shots of them last night...

This one nabbed a good sized catch last night!

Monday, July 7, 2008

4th Gathering

Had a bit of the family over to celebrate the 4th Saturday. Mel came and her daughter Meghan bringing a couple of her pals. Mindy (Jim's) was in town and she and Jim came too. Below is our Meghan sporting blue hair this week!
Meghan's friend from school: Greg

And Tyler below...

Our Livvie.......

Mel and Meghan swinging on the porch...

Below---Jim and Mindy

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Grant Skating....

Some fairly good shots of Grant and friends skating in the back drive from the other night. I've uploading just about all that I took knowing that these boys probably all have myspace and don't often get good photos of themselves skating and this would be a good place for them to copy and paste them at their sites. This is Tyler Graham below.
This is Grant..

Below is Christian....